Thursday, March 1, 2012

So for day one I kind of got off to a not so good start. Therefore, my view for today was...

Don't get me wrong, it's been a great day! But there's just been a few things that have happened to give me this view. I'm not going to go into detail because I don't like being negative, but let's just say that I'm very annoyed with a certain college and their leadership advisers (don't worry, it's not Snow!). Things just happened that wasn't fair and I'm not a big fan of it...especially because some of my teammates and myself are being treated unfair. Anyway, that's the main thing that gave me this view but there's a few more things. No worries though because I my view of today ended like this...
Reminiscing on all the fun times I've had with my roommates so far, and just the fact that I have wonderful roommates!
Feeling so grateful and blessed to be part of such an AMAZING team and being able to learn and accomplish everything that I have.
Thinking of my sister Lori,
my sister Amy,
Matt, Vic, Spencer, Steven, Brock and Brian. They all have such great families! I couldn't be more proud to be part of such an awesome family and be able to say that I have technically 10 siblings, 7 in-laws who are the best in-laws anyone could ask for, 31 nieces and nephews (so far), and pretty soon I'll have two great nephews! :)
And last but not least, I thought of my parents.

They seriously do so much for me! They always lend their ear and let me be a typically teenager and complain to them. They are such great strengths to me and although I'm loving being away and experience college, I miss them terribly and always look forward to when I get to see them!
I have been blessed by being able to spend my life with such wonderful people. I've been so blessed in fact, that just THINKING of my friends and family can get me out of bad moods.

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