Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family Day!

Today was family day in my ward at Snow College! It was so fun to have my parents over because I just miss them so much! They always know how to cheer me up and I was really needing it! Anyway, church was very good as always. The part I'd like to mention is how I just casually told my parents that I thought this guy in my ward was cute. BIG mistake! For the rest of the meeting, my dad kept telling me that I needed to go talk to him and introduce myself and what not, but I already know him because I also have a class with him. Well, my dad being a man who never gives up on what he wants,
(which I love about him!) kept telling me every chance he got to go talk to this guy. Of course me being me I kept saying no. During Sacrament meeting, my mom even joined in on the "fun" telling me to go up to bear my testimony and when I pass him accidently trip and fall in his lap. Oh, she is so funny! :) Then, after the meeting we were all fed a delicious meal! My dad never stopped telling me to go talk to this guy or at least make eye contact with him, and he was speaking very loudly! I can't even tell you how embarrassed I was because I'm sure he could hear him. I can only imagine what he was thinking ha ha

Anyway, with today being family day, I would just like to say how much I love my family! They are so quirky, and sometimes its a little too much, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are and always will be here for me and it's always reassuring to know that! There is also never a dull moment with them. When we get talking, there are sure to be some laughs! (Just like there was today :)) I knew that I missed my parents while being here at Snow, but it has really become a lot harder these last few weeks. My parents are the ones who I always talked to about my day and about pretty much everything else. I know I can call them up whenever I want, but it is so much better when I can talk to them face to face. I'm just counting my blessings that I at least have my brother here with me so I can talk to him whenever I need him. :) My family just makes me so happy and I'm so so SO glad that families are forever!

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