Saturday, October 20, 2012

More Crazy Fun...

So our roommate Megan was in California for her birthday and we decided to decorate her room for her when she got back. We blew up 70 something balloons [with our mouths I might add], decorated her window and mirror, made her cards, gave her a boyfriend [his name is Devon...with a little line above the o], and then proceeded to take pictures in her room. :) It was so much fun to do this and even more fun to see her reaction to it all. WE LOVE MEGAN! :) 

We grew very fond of Devon and were pretty sad to give him over to Megan. [Throughout the next week: Megan put all the balloons in our living room and kitchen. Then Jenny thought it would be funny to shove some in our coat closet. Then Jenny also thought it would be funny to shove them in Kellie's bathtub while she was gone. Which led to Kellie putting them in Jenny's bathtub while she was gone. Then, Jenny put them in mine and Chelsey's bathtub because she didn't want us to feel left out. Then we decided to put them back in Megan's room because it just felt right....The first week anniversary: After we put them back in Megan's room, she freaked and started popping them all! I told her she better not pop Devon so she left him alone. In the meanwhile, I was in my room and I hear popping going on in the kitchen (Megan had put some out there again). I go out to find that Taylor has popped Devon. Such a sad day.]

We are so weird...

I just love how Kellie's eyes are open and the fact that she was so excited to kiss him...ha ha And I also just love these girls! :)

There is seriously never a dull moment here. I have the best roommates ever! I really get to lucky every single year because I have never once had a bad roommate. They have all been awesome and easy to get along with, and I feel like we're all super close even though we've only known each other for a couple of months. Crazy how fast relationships can grow. :)

This last Thursday we went to the Pumpkin Walk...I had never even heard of this and it was really, really cool. The theme of it was "Let the games begin" so every one was a game. These are a few of my favorite ones...can you guess them? :)

Hungry, Hungry Hippos


Duck, Duck Goose...I absolutely love that they had this one! There were a ton more like Candy Land, The Hunger Games, Mario Super Bros, Whipeout, and just really fun games. 

This one made me laugh so hard. Right before it there were these two dogs holding signs. The first one said something about Romney strapping a dog to a car (hence why he is now strapped to the car), and the other one said how Obama ate dog as a child (hence why he is being cooked to eat). It was pretty sweet. 

"You've Got a Friend In Me" I LOVE these two! They crack me up every single day! :) I can't get over the fact that Woody's hand it up to his face...I honestly thought it was Jenny's hand to begin with. It's much funnier when you look at it that way!

Our Pumpkin Walk group...These pop outs were so much fun! There was a Harry Potter one so we all did that one. I would have to say that we all fit it pretty was so funny!!! You'll have to look at all the other pictures from this day on my facebook...when they are put on that is. :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Utah State [thus far] in a really big nutshell

I have absolutely no idea why my pictures are going in the order I want them to. It's very frustrating...but oh well. I guess you'll just get to hear about Utah State in a jumbled up kind of way. :)
For my birthday, my roommates made me a surprise cake...boy was it good! We happened to have candles but no lighter, so we just pretended. :)

This was probably the coolest game ever...wait, scratch that. This WAS the coolest game ever! We beat the Utes after 15 years of them beating us! Let's just say, it got crazy up in the Romney Stadium that night! We had so much fun...well at least I did. :)

This was our homecoming game and was a "white out". We pretty much kicked trash...I felt really smart during this game because Megan kept asking me what everything meant. I'd say that I did a pretty good job of describing things for her! :) The only bummer was that we got to the game later so we weren't able to sit in the student section. Believe me, we definitely learned our lesson and you better believe we'll be extra early to the next game to get awesome seats!

We did it! We actually went to Western Swing! Takoma was nice enough to invite us. Then he showed up at our door and said he had bad news...he had assignments due that night that he hadn't done yet. But that didn't stop us. Me and Kellie showed him how excited we were and that we were still gonna go. Like two minutes after he left, he knocked on our door, once more, and said that he had to go because we were too excited. Needless to say, we all went and "cowboy'd" up. It was so much FUN! He taught us some pretty awesome, so cool! :)

So it was National Taco Day today! We obviously had to go get us some tacos...which I was the only one who actually got tacos *cough* *cough* was pretty tastey. Then we just had to get some pictures next to the tacos sign. I have no idea what we're doing in this one...are we weird? You betcha!

Then we lifted out legs? Don't ask me, it was Kellie's idea. But it was a fun idea nonetheless. After after the pictures were on facebook...Jenny realized that the sign says "5 rolled tacos" and there are 5 of us. "Hawk"ward... ;) ha ha If you want to understand the "Hawk"ward comment, please go to my facebook page. You will surely get a laugh out of it! It's a picture, with sayings, with tons of different animals...8 to be exact. It's quite hilarious if you ask me!

So James taught me how to make some chocolates. Holy cow, I'm now going over to his house every night to make these! They were so delicious! Just thinking about them makes my mouth water! :) We made peanut butter cups, mint patties (more like mint balls ha ha) and then added some rasberry extract to the left over chocolate. Have I ever mentioned how much I love chocolate? This was a real fun night! :)

Oh my pretty much I have the craziest roommates ever! It's great though because I feel right at home. Yes, I am implying that I have the craziest family as well. ;) ha ha But for real, these girls (plus Kellie-jo and Taylor...and every roommate I've ever had #KyleeMaudLexieTiffanyLaurenKenzie) are absolutely the best! Pretty much we're ninjas and have a few moves up our sleeves. 

We're also animal lovers! No worries, no animals were harmed during the making of this picture. Holy cow, I just realized how cheesy I am. I'm blaming it on the fact that it is midnightish. I should probably go to sleep. :) Anyway, I just really love this picture. We took a gazillion pictures from this night...we were so crazy! Later I acted as a yoga instructor and meditated with Megan and Chelsey. We also tried doing some headstands...I've never been able to do these, but I would have to say I'm getting closer! We did some handstands against a wall. We had to walk our feet up an opposite wall because that's how good we are. Then we ended the night with singing the Scottsman while doing the arm movements with our legs. (If you ever want to see the video...come see me and I'll sure you. No way will that ever be shown on public!)

One night we decided to compare the lengths of our legs. This was brought on because we (Kellie and I) were talking about how Kellie is taller than me but I have longer legs than her. So then we all sat against a wall to see who, indeed had the longer legs. Then, with roommates like these, there's no way we could just take a picture of our legs and be done. We had to get a little crazy and show our true sides. :)

See, I win. :) 

This was on my birthday...we wanted to take pictures of all of us roommates before the CES fireside but we were the only ones home. I just love these girls!

We couldn't just take a funny one. Sometimes nice pictures are needed. Although I really enjoy funny/awful ones. Like this next one.......

So we were riding the bus to school. There are only two seats by each other, but I made them scoot over so I could fit. Then Kellie whipped out her iTouch and we took some pictures. I don't know how this one came about but I would have to say it is pretty darn hilarious! This was probably the most fun/funnest...potato/pototo...bus ride. EVER. 

Well there ya have it. I'm obviously enjoying my time here at Utah State. Just wait until my next post...I have a lot of new pictures and stories to share. Pretty much I play all day and work...never! Nah, just kidding. I get my homework done and then play...sometimes. :) Peace, yo!