Sunday, December 2, 2012

'Tis the Season...

So we had our Christmas roommate party today. We first went to Beehive Grill...I recommend it to everyone in Logan. It was delicious and they even brew their own rootbeer. Can I get a woot woot? :)

Then we made the journey to Willard Bay. They had a light show so we thought to ourselves, "What else would get us in the Christmas spirit other than a bunch of Christmas lights?!" Anyway, pictures while driving are really fun! :)

The flash was so dang bright! Bright flash = squinty eyes! Pretty much, I was the only one to ever get really bad squinty eyes. 

Me and Megan! :)

See what I mean?! Squinty eyes!!!

This picture and the next were my favorite Christmas light scenes there. This is the true meaning of Christmas, and I hope we can all remember our Savior during this Christmas Season. 

I hope we can all also remember those who have fought and are fighting right now to keep our country free. God bless America! I'm so grateful to live in this wonderful country!

During a part of the Christmas drive, there were pictures portraying "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house..." book. It was fun to tell the story as we went...even if we couldn't really remember it a whole lot. :)

We then decided to take some pictures at the Brigham City Temple. I love temples! And I absolutely loved this HUGE Nativity scene. 

This was like on our 100th try to take this picture...I had stress setting up the camera! But we finally got one of us in front of the doors!

We just needed to get some bench pictures! I love it! ha ha

Kellie, Kellie, Kellie...she is such a copy cat. ;) ha ha Just kidding. :)

I seriously love Megan. I love it when she sings to us! I also love it when she tells us we are being rude...that sounds weird but I just wish that you could hear her say it. It's awesome! She is one of the kindest people I've ever met. If you have a problem, she will seriously go out of her way to help you out. One thing that really impressed me about her when we first met was the questions she'd ask me. They were deep questions and it just showed that she really cares to get to know you personally. We've only known each other for a few months now, but I feel like we've known each other forever because we have become so close. She's so great! I also love it when she raps for us. If you ever meet this girl, please beg her to rap for's hilarious, but in a good way! :)

Oh Jenny...this girl cracks me up! She pulls jokes out of nowhere! You'll just be talking and she'll randomly say something and it is almost always funny...who am I kidding? It's funny 100% of the time! The first thing that really impressed me about Jenny is her ability to keep calm during EVERYTHING! The only time I've seen her get mad is when it's a play mad. She's just so chill and funny. She's such a joy to be around! One time, Chelsey and I went shopping with Jenny. While she was looking for her things, Chelsey and I were wondering all around the store. We decided that Jenny was like our mom and we were the little kids because we were seriously all over the place. ha ha Ever since then, that title has just kind of stuck with her and she does act like our mother sometimes. Just in a way that shows how caring and sweet she is. I love you Jen-nay! :)

What can I say about Kellie-jo? We've been inseparable ever since we first met in 7th grade. We even had a teacher at Snow College tell us to "cut the cord" because we are ALWAYS together! We've definitely had our ups and downs, but they never stop us from being best friends. Kellie is one of the best people I have ever met! She is definitely one of a kind. She's one of those people that can be so serious one second, and the next she's as crazy as can be (but in a good way). She's always striving to become a better person and to help people around her and that is something that I have always admired. She's also one of the strongest people I know. She is such an example. No matter what she goes through, she doesn't let that get in the way of her relationship with the Savior. She's the type of person that you can see and feel her love for the Savior and His Gospel just by being around her. I love this lady. She is my sister and will forever be! I love you Kellie-jo!!

When we got back, Megan had these stalkings (filled with some candy) and decorating stuff to make them all pretty. We did before and after pictures for all of us. Here's Chelsey's... 

She was the first one done and it took her like 10 minutes...and it's so cute! The rest of us were seriously there for hours trying to fix and change our stockings! It was funny. :)

Megan's before picture...

And her finished product! I love her color scheme! She was so funny with the glitter. Once she started adding glitter to her snowflakes, she just couldn't stop and ended up putting glitter on EVERYTHING! It sure is cute though! :)

Jenny's before picture...

Well I guess you all know who the artist in this apartment is now...Jenny is so stinking creative! The 5 penguins represents each roommate, and then there is Santa Claus on the bottom right. After she "finished", she kept going back and adding glitter here and there. :)

Kellie's before picture...

I love her "love" at the top of her stocking. Kellie was such a hoot during this activity. There were these little beanies and she took the balls off of almost all of them so she could have her snow. I'm pretty sure that's not going to seem funny to definitely had to be there but it was so stinking hilarious!

My before picture...

My stocking! Usually I'm not a big fan of doing crafts, but this one was so much fun! And I can't deny that I like how mine turned out...I usually hate how my stuff turns out because I'm really bad at crafts! Anyway, at the top, there is a snowman and a penguin having a snowball fight. And then at the bottom, there is a snowman and a penguin sliding down the hill on their sleds. Also, there are presents under those trees! Woo hoo!! :)

Here is the end of our super fun Christmas activity! Thank you so much Megan. This was a fabulous idea! :)

Oh yeah...I forgot these pictures. I hope you find this funny because it was super funny when it happened. Anyway, we had taken a picture and both our eyes were squinty because of the flash. When we looked at the picture, we commented on how our eyes looked like they were closed and decided to take another picture. When we looked at this we laughed so hard because neither of us said we were going to close our eyes. We just did it. We just thought it was funny because we're always doing things the same way without meaning to. Oh man, good times!

Here was Kellie's reaction to our "eyes shut" picture. The funniest part was that she was trying to sneak a picture of me...she's such a good aim! ;)

And then she got my reaction...we sometime have too much fun!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Season!