Friday, February 25, 2011

Victory! Sweet, Sweet Victory!

Well my fellow blog followers, I decided to go out on a limb and do something that I very much dislike...CAMPAIGN! That's right, I ran for a position known as Student Advocate. I had to do all the nasty stuff like make posters, fliers, and a video. But, it was all worth it in the end.

Thursday morning at 5:45 a.m., I was woken up by two crazy girls banging on some pots, dancing around my room, and singing to me. Once I was awake, they told me to hurry and come with them, and put a pillow case over my head...I was being kidnapped! Once I realized that the two girls were SBO's this year, I felt a little less confused, but I was still so delusional! I remember asking them if I could put on my jacket and some shoes. Pretty smart questions huh! I also wanted to ask them if this meant I made it, but at the same time I knew I had. :)

They then made me put on the pillow case and get in the car. There was already a girl in there and we were going to pick up one more. When we got to her apartment, I took off the pillow case and talked to Paige, another student advocate. We talked about how excited we were and I was relieved to find out she asked similar questions when she was picked up too. We got in trouble when our kidnappers arrived though because we had taken off our pillow was all pretend though, so it made it that much more funny.

After we had a full car, they decided to drive around for a while so we wouldn't know where we were. I had an advantage though because I could kind of see through my pillow case and saw the light for McDonald's. That's not cheating, right? :) But we also had a little dance/sing party on our way there with none other than Justin Bieber! You could say that we had a little bit of Bieber fever that morning...we sang "Baby" at the top of our lungs while dancing as much as we could with our pillow cases still covering our heads.

We finally made it to our destination though, and we were all guided into a big cirlce in the lobby of McDonald's. After the count of three, our pillow cases were removed to see who we would be working with. The group that made the cut is full of people who know how to work hard and get things done, but they know how to do that while having fun. We're already so close, and I can't wait to get started planning out next year!

So there you have it, I'm actually a SBO for Snow College! I'm still on cloud nine and I'm just so stinking excited!! I don't regret putting myself out there at all because sometimes it really does work out. Hmmm...maybe I've learned something from this experience. I guess we'll just have to see. :)